Unit 163 Emergency Board Meeting Scheduled for April 4, 2019 at 6 PM

The Unit 163 Board will hold an emergency meeting on April 4, 2019, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held at the 1201 Kitchen & Tap Restaurant adjacent to the Radisson Hotel in Coralville. All Unit 163 members are invited to attend. The agenda is as follows:

Call to order

Approve agenda for this meeting.

Approve minutes from last board meeting.

Financial report

The following business is in response to Gary’s resignation and the reason that this meeting was called out of the regular rotation.

Suggestions of possible candidates to take Gary’s place as secretary/treasurer.

Board member? Non board member? Divide the two jobs, one secretary and one treasurer?

Should we ask for volunteers via a Pianola or other communication to our members? Unit website announcement?

Action steps:

Materials: Tables and supplies. How do we want to store tables, transport tables, and other supplies? Do we want to have the director bring everything except tables and bidding boxes?

Timing: How soon can we find a replacement? What should be our goal? I, MaryAnn, can write checks, so immediate treasurer duties can be handled that way.

If the new treasurer is not from Iowa City, we may want to change banks.

Other concerns and possible changes in the board?? How can we best serve our members with the least upheaval?